Who Is Sharonda Reeves?

Sharonda Reeves is a certified credit repair specialist who manages Connect Credit Consultants, LLC I grow up knowing nothing bout credit or financial literacy. I had to educate myself and learn the ropes later in life, but it is never too late. You can always make a change to learn to do better. And life circumstances may force you to do so. I established the company to help people connect to improve the credit to purchase a home within 6 months. I once needed the same assistant so why not give back and educate others. I once too had bad credit and was seeking homeownership. I went 540 to homeownership within 9 months! Could have been 6 months had I taken it more seriously. Sharonda currently works in the medical field of 21 years. I have a Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education and taught 1st grade. My passion has always been to help others make a difference in their lives, whether it be education, health, wealth, financial or personal, I am all for it! My company has been so successful and has excelled all from making “connections.” My company name speaks for itself. My motto: It is about the connections you make and the people you connect with. But you must allow God to make those connections. I have been blessed to work and grow my business by connecting with affiliates. To this day I work with some of the same people that helped me get my home three years ago. I was taught to never burn bridges. You must always do right by people and treat them with the outmost respect because you never know if you will need them again!

Our Why

The #1 Question people ask me is why or what made you choose the “credit repair” industry?
My Testimony: After having bad credit of 15 years, being denied credit, paying high interest rates, purchasing a home in my 40’s, no savings or investments, I made a vow to change. I had to improve my financial goals in order to provide for my family. My 5 year old son wanted a “new house” and reminded me daily. I made a promise to restore my credit to get him this house. I DID IT!!! I want to inspire others that it is never too late in God’s eyes. You will look back on this moment just as I have done and thank yourself. It changed my lifestyle physically and mentally.
I chose the credit repair industry to help & educate others on how important your credit affects you. I’d rather you not wait as long as I did, but if you do; I’m here to connect with you!
We care about you and your financial goals.

Our Goal

Connect Credit Consultants, LLC are here to assist you in improving your credit and financial goals. We will help you from start to finish! Let’s connect and build a long-lasting relationship.

Why Are We Different

Our program offers affordable plans. How are you going to restore your credit if the plan is too expensive or doesn’t meet your financial needs? This doesn’t help with your finances and could put you in more debt. We care about your well-being. Our honesty, integrity, and passion for this industry is not about the money! It’s about helping and blessing others so that we all can live a better life. I am ready to bless you! Let’s “CONNECT”.